New Digs

Friday, September 22, 2023 (post)

Yeah, the website looks pretty cool, but it’s a bit… um… incorrect. For one thing, I kind of made it about writing things when I really don’t love writing my thoughts out too much, especially for randos on the internet to see. I just get so self-conscious! Also, in terms of accessibility, it gets about an F minus. Besides the homepage (on a good day…) it’s not even really much of a show of my graphic design skills! I’ve become a much better developer, y’know.

So, what does this all mean? A complete revamp, of course! Expect 2.0 to be fully deployed by October of 2023, and expect it to be:

More accessible

A less cryptic homepage that is less keyboard-centric and easier to use!

More semantics to make it easier to use with screen-readers!

Better SEO optimization to help people understand what they’re in for!

Better mobile design that I won’t just bullshit in five seconds ‘cuz I have to!

More performant

A new loading screen so you don’t have to sit through the disgusting naked loading process!

Self-hosted images because for some reason a lot of them are just on imgur… weird decision in hindsight!

More fun

More focused on art, music and HTML5 games

Relegation of text updates, both small and large, to a side feed

Easter eggs, because if you don’t like them, you’re a monster.

More beautiful

Quieter, nicer UI sounds

A more straightforward user experience with a more defined flow

A more consistent aesthetic, the details of which I’m going to leave a surprise for now!

Hopefully, 2.0 will help streamline the process of outputting creative content to the site even further! Expect a lot more of it once it’s deployed! See you then, and enjoy the current layout while it’s still here! ♥