hyper nexus

Wednesday, September 25, 2024 (art)

hyper nexus

a collection of 16 game concepts i drew up in 2023 to try and get out of a creative rut! it’s… very unlikely that i will ever bring any of these to fruition. i do like that ice cream one, though… let’s go over all of ‘em!

SUPER RUSH (platformer)

the evil dr. darquodius has cursed every planet in the galaxy with arrays of extremely toxic rushonium bricks! you are rush, the battery-powered galactic hero of the planet rushonia, and since you’re the only thing alive who is completely immune to the effects of rushonium, it’s up to you to save the day! go to each planet and break all of the bricks on it before your quickly draining battery runs out!

LASER LAD (shooter)

you are, of course, laser lad, a little tiny man with a super-powerful, mega-colorful, hyper-expensive laser on his head just trying to live his days in peace. unfortunately, your underground lair is being attacked by an armada of bloodthirsty poachers who want to take your laser and sell it for a profit! defend yourself by shooting the poachers with lasers whose color and shape match that of their armor! how long will you last?

STICK v. STOCK (fighting)

in this minimalistic stick figure fighting game, you are one of two fighters: the swift, but relatively weak stick; or the strong and lumbering tank, stock! it’s the ultimate fight not between good and evil, but between strong and fast! learn the combos, test your reflexes, and discover who is truly superior in the ring!

ANOMALY (stealth)

you are anomaly, a shape-shifting alien who has been sent to earth for scientific research on the human species. you have been warned, however, that if they catch you in your true form, they will kill you and send your body to their leader to do their own gruesome kind of scientific research on! find out how many notes you can jot down about the humans and send back to your home planet without them catching you!

HEAD TO HEAD ‘23 (sports)

it’s the brand new sensation sweeping the decapitation sports nation! two teams of five athletes have had their heads replaced with magnets. if one athlete makes it to the end zone with the headball attached to their neck magnet, they score a goal for their team! athletes can pass the headball onto the neck of one of their teammates by kicking it, and athletes on the other team can tackle them to force it off! the first team to three goals wins the game!


you are a sapient fish living in the fish universe. your favorite pasttime is to go over to the docks, cast out your humaning rod and catch tasty humans from the serene lake! once you get a bite and reel it in, you can choose to either release it back into the lake or sell it at your human shop for a profit! fish will pay big bucks for a human that’s big and rare enough!

DRYER DERBY (racing)

you are a laundromat worker, and your boss has just given you and your coworkers permission to trick out the dryers for some high-octane dryer racing! modify your dryer with different parts that affect statistics like temperature, rotation speed, capacity, stability and necessary spin count! to dry a small, medium, or large load of wet clothes in a race against other super-charged dryers, spin your mouse in circles as fast as possible until you hot your necessary spin count! the quicker you spin, the quicker you’ll win!


you are jazzy mcquarternote, perfect pitch extraordinaire! when you’re up to bat in the sport of perfect pitch, the pitcher throws musical notes at your bat, and to get a hit, you have to correctly guess the pitch of the note before it flies past you and into the catcher’s hands! be sure not to guess too early, though, either! a great perfect pitch player keeps with the rhythm!

SPLOMPS (strategy)

you are a commanding officer in the land of the splomps, an extremely diverse species of blobby alien lifeforms, each of which has a different ability on the six-by-six-square splomplefield! in this chess-inspired game, you must lead your team of splomps to victory by capturing all of the splomps on the other team before all of yours suffer the same fate!

SHELLS: THE GAME (survival)

you are a hermit crab on waikiki beach, and in this fast paced survival game, you’re outgrowing your shell very quickly! if you wait too long to find a new one that fits you–which gets harder and harder as you get bigger–you’ll get cramped inside, and it’s game over! how many shells can you switch through before you perish?

ROGFIGHT! (roguelike)

zounds! the year is nineteen-twenty-thrive! the evil government of roguelvania has assassinated the president of the fighter republic, the honorable musket mcfreedom, who just so happens to also be your father! this horrible tragedy has plunged the earth into world war one-and-a-half! luckily, the fighter powers have you, orville mcfreedom, as their ace fighter pilot! fly your plane tactically through the procedurally generated, grid-based sky, collect treasure stored in clouds, and engage in turn-based dogfights with enemy planes! will you avenge your father and bring the evil rogue powers to justice?

CARD LUCK (board)

you are one of the four suits: spades, clubs, hearts, or diamonds! when its your turn, roll the die, grab a card from the pile corresponding to the number you rolled, and move your piece accordingly! it couldn’t be simpler! …or could it?

YE TIMES (text adventure)

you are a medieval irish peasant called flanagan o’times. while harvesting oats, you open up your barn door and are amazed as it has become a mysterious time portal! you walk in, setting forth on an epic quest to help fix the time rift that created it!


the desert is hot, hot, hot, and its denizens are in need of a refreshing, frozen treat on the double! luckily for them, you are creamy the cactus, the speediest ice cream artisan in the desert! type the words as they appear on screen; every accurate keystroke results in a perfect ice cream cone, but a missed keystroke will result in a customer getting the wrong flavor! be accurate, but don’t forget to be unreasonably fast too! your work day may start at 9:00, but it ends at 9:01!

SPEL-IXIR (word)

you are wordlin the wiz-word of vocabularia, the most articulate and sesquipedalian wizard to ever walk the earth. you create elixirs from ancient recipes, each consisting of three keywords from the definition of a random word. to bring the recipe to life, just guess the word the recipe is referring to!

COPY THAT (idle)

you are lieutenant birdstein, a secret agent of the federal government creating an army of robotic birds used to covertly gather data on unsuspecting civilians! click the button to create a bird copy, and use the data they collect to create more intelligent copies that can collect even more data for you!